Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Anti Environment & Anti People EIA Draft!


Sub: Withdraw Draft EIA 2020

Hon Environment Minister GoI

During a COVID19 crisis when People are focused on fighting the Pandemic and Rebuilding their Lives, the Insensitive Govt of India is misusing its powers to force an Anti-Environment and Anti-People Notification that will have a huge impact on the very Foundation of Environmental Protection.

Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a vital Regulation that safeguards the Environment protocol and empowers an expert panel to allow or refuse Environment clearances after a detailed assessment of an industrial project and its impact on the Environment.

Why do we oppose the Draft EIA 2020 in totality?

The Objective of the Environment Ministry is to be Pro-Environment and Pro-People but the Draft EIA 2020 reflects exactly the opposite, its more Anti-Environment, Anti-People and completely Pro-Industry, giving a free run to any Industry in the pretext of “Ease of doing Business”.

The Draft EIA 2020 negates Public Consultation for many projects and in other cases shortens the time with an agenda of speeding up the approval process. It mutes all the Voices of the Communities/Groups that could be impacted in the Infrastructure projects (Roads, Irrigation etc.)

The most serious threat to the Environment is the Post-Facto clearance proposed in the Draft EIA 2020 which indeed legitimizes an Industry even without approvals. Also, reduction in the Monitoring process, longer Compliance time and longer time to correct Violation is the final nail to the coffin of Environment Protection. 

Draft EIA 2020 is not only Regressive but stands against the Fundamentals of the Environment Laws and Conservation Protocols, and basically ends the critical role of National Green Tribunal that was set up on 18.10.2010 under the National Green Tribunal Act 2010 for an Effective and Expeditious disposal of cases relating to Environmental Protection and Conservation of Forests and other Natural Resources.


Kavitha Reddy